
how to find break even point

Break-Even Point: A Restaurant’s Most Important Calculation

By devon.barkley | November 16, 2021

A restaurant’s revenue stream fluctuates, in somewhat of a predictable fashion, throughout the year, from month to month, and through the week. Continuing to run a successful business whilst contending with this endlessly moving target is one of the magic tricks every successful restaurant owner and…

training a new employee tips

Training Your Employees for Everyone’s Success

By devon.barkley | November 1, 2021

Being understaffed is, unfortunately, not an adage that restaurant managers are unfamiliar with. It seems that -especially in the current moment- we are perpetually on the lookout for new hires. The turnover rate in the hospitality business has always been one of the highest in the nation, hitting almost…

what mocktails means?

The Power of Mocktails

By devon.barkley | October 15, 2021

Over the past few years the sales of low and no alcohol products in off-premise locations have been steadily rising. A September 2021 report showed that off-premise sales of low and no alcohol drinks had a sales lift of 10.4% last year, and the main takeaway…

Menu engineering

What is Menu Engineering?

By devon.barkley | October 2, 2021

It is an old yet true adage that “restaurants run on thin margins”. Every advantage that a restaurant can score itself is a point to the home team and means that margins are a little safer than they were yesterday. One lens through which cost optimization is …

Increasing A Restaurant’s Average Check

By devon.barkley | September 18, 2021

Average Check is a great metric through which to view a restaurant’s finances when trying to boost a location’s revenue. What’s more, working to increase the average check in a restaurant requires minimal monetary investment. Increasing check averages means…

How to Improve Employee Retention

By devon.barkley | September 5, 2021

There’s the growth of takeout and delivery service, menu innovation like in-app ordering, bussing your own tables, and futuristic technological innovations such as bartending robots and intelligent burger flipping machines; but employees are always going…